Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Earth is the Lord´s!!!

We are here safely and on time! The flights were smooth with some good food (really true!) and plenty of good fellowship. Our luggage...well, maybe some of us will be wearing the same clothes tomorrow as we did today as 21 of our 29 bags did not make it with our plane to El Salvador. No big deal.
What is our reaction as we drove the 50 minutes from the airport to the hotel? Psalm 24:1 sums it up: The earth is the Lord´s and the fulness thereof: the world, and they that dwell therein.
God created El Salvador with its beauty and people just as He did the rest of the earth. The scenery is beautiful with mountains and totally different vegetation than Indiana. The temperature was about 89° F (and what was yours???). The living standards varied.
The leadership team for this trip has been here over the last week and shared the projects that God prepared for us to be doing this coming week. We will share them as they come up daily. Just let it be said tonight that some will be challenging and new to most of us. We are always to be walking moment by moment in God´s strength, not ours, and doing His work, not ours. This week can be no exception for anything lasting to happen.
Thanks for your continued prayers!

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